Postdoctoral Researcher Position Available
The laboratory of Dr. Yen-Feng Lin, Associate Investigator Attending Physician at the Center for Neuropsychiatric Research, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, is seeking a postdoctoral fellow.
Job Description:
- Conduct research related to genetic epidemiology, genetic statistics, and psychiatric epidemiology.
- Perform data analysis, review research literature, and write project reports and scientific papers.
- Completion of doctoral degree in epidemiology, biostatistics, statistics, bioinformatics, population genetics, quantitative psychology, data science, or related fields.
- Experience in practical data analysis and familiarity with statistical software and programming languages.
- Proactive, responsible, and passionate about research.
- Interest in genetic epidemiology, GWAS data analysis, psychiatric epidemiology, data mining, causal inference, and precision medicine. No prior experience or background is necessary.
Lab Overview:
Our team specializes in GWAS and related analytical methods. With increasing data volumes domestically and internationally (biobanks, consortia, etc.), our current research projects and international collaborations have great potential for development. We maintain a long-term partnership with the Broad Institute and MGH in the United States, collaborating on multiple genetic epidemiology research projects. Details of data analysis methods are supervised and discussed with several international experts. If interested and willing, assistance in applying to renowned international institutions or schools as a visiting scholar is also possible.
In addition to analyzing data from the Taiwan Biobank, our lab is also a major member of the Global Biobank Meta-analysis Initiative (GBMI; Collaboration provides access to major biobank data worldwide, and we have published multiple international cooperation projects in high-impact journals. We also analyze data from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC) and the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study.
We have our own cohort data and collaborate with several local hospitals on clinical research, including over 2,000 unique and valuable genetic data cases of methamphetamine use. We also have clinical and genomic data related to antidepressant and rTMS treatment of depression, with depression-related research project receiving funding from the NSTC International Outstanding Young Scholars Grant.
Our team’s research funding is very stable for the coming years, providing secure job positions. Currently, the team includes two postdoctoral researchers, and we hope to welcome more talent. Postdoctoral researchers trained by our team are highly competitive in the job market. For more details about the job, contact PI directly or inquire with the lab’s postdocs about their work conditions. Our lab is committed to creating the best research environment, with the sole goal of helping postdocs publish significant papers and secure good positions.
Laboratory website:
Compensation: According to the standards for postdoctoral researchers set by our institute
Location: National Health Research Institutes, Zhunan Campus (flexibility depending on specific tasks)
Start Date: Immediate
Application Method: Please email the following materials to Dr. Yen-Feng Lin at
CV autobiography, publication list, thesis, or other supporting documents.
Additionally, provide the names and contact details of 1-2 referees (including name, title, relationship to the applicant; no letters of recommendation needed).
1. 執行遺傳流行病學、遺傳統計學、精神流行病學之研究相關業務。
2. 資料分析、研究文獻回顧、計畫報告撰寫及論文撰寫。
3. 主管交辦事項。
1. 流病、生統、統計、生物資訊、群體遺傳學、計量心理學、或資料科學相關科系畢業,具博士學位。
2. 具實務資料分析經驗,熟悉統計軟體與程式語言。
3. 主動積極、認真負責並對研究工作有熱忱。
4. 對遺傳流行病學、GWAS資料分析、精神流行病學、資料探勘、因果推論、精準醫療有興趣,無相關經驗或基礎亦可。
我們與美國Broad Institute、MGH是長期合作夥伴,共同執行多項遺傳流行病學研究計畫;資料分析方法的策略與細節,有多位國際級專家可共同督導與討論。未來若有興趣及意願,也可協助申請至國外知名機構、學校擔任訪問學者。
我們除了進行台灣人體生物資料庫的分析研究,同時也是Global Biobank Meta-Analysis Initiative (GBMI;的主要成員,透過合作可取得世界各大主要biobank資料,已陸續完成多項國際合作發表於高影響力期刊。我們也分析來自Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC),Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study的大型資料。
請將下列資料以電子郵件方式寄至 林彥鋒醫師
1. 個人履歷(請附照片)、自傳。
2. 學經歷證明文件(工作經歷請檢附服務證明或在職證明)。
3. 相關證書/著作列表/畢業論文等其他有利證明文件。
4. 另請提出1-2位推薦人(含姓名、職稱、與被推薦人關係及聯絡方式,不需推薦信函)。